
波尔克门户 and priority registration for the Fall 2024 Semester are open. 公开报名将于7月1日开始.

学生可以 browse Fall 2024 Semester classes by 点击这里, can review their degree audits in their 护照 帐户,并鼓励 与顾问联系 学术规划.

学生可以 点击这里 for steps or view the video tutorial below for assistance with registering for classes in the 波尔克门户.

It is important to note that fees and financial aid will not be viewable in the 波尔克门户 when registration opens. 的 College will provide an update when fees and financial aid are available for viewing.

Below are answers to frequently asked questions.

  1. 什么是波尔克入口?

    波尔克门户 is a one-stop shop for Student Services and Financial Services where, 从6月25日开始, 学生将:

    • 查看本学期的课程安排
    • 注册课程
    • 检查一下你的账户是否有任何保留
    • 支付
    • 查看和接受经济援助奖励

    波尔克门户 替换 护照, which students used previously for the 活动 listed above. 护照 will remain in place for individuals to apply to the College, but once they are admitted and receive their Polk State Student ID and my.波尔克.Edu邮箱地址, they will use the 波尔克门户 for the remainder of the onboarding and registration process.

  2. +如何登录波尔克门户?

    学生可登入 波尔克门户 by clicking the link at the top of the College website, 波尔克.edu,或通过参观体验.elluciancloud.com/psc. Students will select “Sign In With Students” and then log in by using their existing Polk State email address and password. Students who have forgotten their credentials or need to reset their passwords can still do so in 护照.

    Students will then be directed to the 波尔克门户 homepage.

  3. +我还能拿到护照吗?

    是的 – students will have access through the Summer 2024 Semester to their 护照 账户.

  4. + Where do I go in the 波尔克门户 注册课程?

    点击这里查看分步指南 注册课程. A video tutorial is also available above.

  5. + Where do I go in the 波尔克门户 to check my tuition and fees?

    Financial information will not be available when registration opens in the 波尔克门户 6月. 的 College will provide an update when financial information is available soon.

  6. + Where do I go in the 波尔克门户 to check financial aid?

    Beginning 7月y 5, students can check the 金融援助 Self-Service section of the 波尔克门户 for information about the status of their financial aid applications. Students who applied for financial aid and have incomplete applications will be notified via their Polk State email will be instructed to check the Portal for more information regarding how to complete their applications.

    的 College will soon provide financial aid awards that can be viewed in the 波尔克门户. Within a few days, some students will see their eligibility for Federal Pell Grants in self-service. Additional funds, loans, state grants, and scholarships will be rolled out in the coming weeks. Please note that financial aid awards are being processed in phases and students should monitor their emails and check the 波尔克门户 for updates. 作为额外的经济援助, email notifications will be sent to the affected students who will be instructed to check the 波尔克门户 有关详细信息,.

  7. + Will I be able to access my student information if I am not registering for classes for fall 2024?

    是的. 所有的学生都会有一个账户 波尔克门户 and can log in using their Polk State email address and password.

  8. + What do I do if I forget my login to my 波尔克门户 account?

    Students who have forgotten their credentials or need to reset their passwords can still do so in 护照.

  9. + What if I can’t register for classes in the 波尔克门户?

    Students with any issues registering for Fall 2024 Semester classes through the 波尔克门户 are urged to 填妥此表格 然后发邮件到 FallRegistration24@波尔克.edu. A College representative will assist within 48 business hours.

  10. + What if I am having technical issues with the 波尔克门户?

    Students who are having technical difficulties can call 863.904.早上8点开始.m. 到8点.m. It is important to note the dates of operation below for this phone line:


    If you are seeking assistance outside of these days and hours, please 点击这里提交帮助票.