
Online Courses: Your Education Is Just a Click Away!ID-100196007

波尔克州立企业学院利用领先的在线学习合作伙伴为个人提供商业等领域的职业培训,提供定制的课程和认证课程, 通信, 领导, 信息技术, 软件和程序, 教学, 医疗保健, 还有更多. These partnerships allow individuals to complete in-service training, 获得特定的职业技能, and fulfill professional development requirements through a flexible format.

  1. +幼儿保育

  2. + ProTrain

    ProTrain 提供负担得起的, 自学, online certificate programs that can train you for the latest, 急需的工作技能. 随时享受灵活的学习, anywhere in areas such as Accounting and Finance, 商业与领导力, 职业与酒店业, 教育与个人发展, 绿色和可再生能源, 医疗保健和联合医疗, 工业及技术行业, 法律及刑事司法, 多媒体和平面设计, 编程和Web应用, 职场西班牙语, and Technology and Computer Programs.  所有证书和认证课程的完成者将有机会在国家数据库(GradCast)中发送100份免费简历,该数据库包含30多个职业功能领域的67.5万多名雇主. Jumpstart your career pathway today.

  3. + ed2g0

    The industry leader in adult online courses, 圣智提供高质量的远程继续教育机会,价格合理,用户友好. Information about specific programs can be found through the links provided.

    Ed2Go Training-Pro

  4. + CLS by Barbri

    CLS由BARBRI设计 is the provider of choice offering quality legal education to any and all, 以可承受的价格, on schedules that work for their busy lives. This is true ‘justice for all’, a sentiment that forms the bedrock of our nation. 无论你在哪里寻求职业发展和晋升,CLS by Barbri都提供与行业相关的多个层次的培训和课程.

  5. + JER在线

    周在线 lists over 1000+, cost affordable, non-credit Continuing Workforce Courses and Certificates. 〇没有普通课程周在线 courses and certificates are industry-developed. 这意味着学生将可以使用与企业和行业用于员工培训的相同的电子学习. Start anytime or on a fixed time schedule. Access courses anytime from anywhere for fast completion. 周在线 offers discounted pricing for employee group enrollments. 作为额外的附加价值和奖励, students will have 1-year access to their online courses, post-course completion (applies to self-directed corporate developed courses only).

    技术交流 & 写作

  6. +保险

    Polk State 企业大学 has partnered with ESC Educational Services and Consulting, OLT在线培训学院, 以及AFIRM损失控制和保费审计概述,提供佛罗里达州保险课程的在线培训.

    Please refer to the 企业大学 保险页面 for a complete list of offerings and links.

  7. +房地产

    We have partnered with online trainer OLT在线培训学院 to offer the Sales Associate real estate course, 还有一个14小时的继续教育(CE)捆绑课程,包括国家规定的材料和选修材料.



  1. + Online Classes: Are They A Good Fit For You?

    在材料的呈现方面,在线课程通常与传统的面对面课程有很大不同, the nature of the interaction among class members, and the necessity for independent learning driven by student resourcefulness. A flexible schedule in which to do assignments from the comfort of home, 旅行时间的减少, and a decrease in expense for gas are notable benefits of distance learning environments. 另外, 许多学生报告说,由于沉浸在课程中,他们实际上在在线课程中学到了比面对面课程更多的东西, and therefore find the experience more rewarding than a traditional learning environment. But online classes are not the best fit for all individuals. 即使是优秀的学生也可能会发现远程学习与他或她的特殊学习方式和偏好不相容. So, before enrolling in an online class, 学生应该考虑一下远程学习环境是否适合他或她的教育需求. Answering the following questions may help in this process:.

    While there are many points to consider when making a decision about online learning, 最终,学生才是决定其是否合适的最佳人选. An individual who has cultivated a good work ethic, 学习能力强, 学习的内在动力可能会发现,在线学习环境是传统课堂环境的绝佳选择,它提供了令人难以置信的灵活性和几乎无限机会的有益学习体验.

  2. + Do you have self-discipline and motivation?

    与传统课程不同的是,学生和老师每周见面一次或几次, most of the learning 活动 and communication in an online course are asynchronous, 这意味着班级成员在一天和一周的不同时间参与并完成他们的作业. 这种安排使学生可以在一天和一周的所有时间做课程作业, 只要方便. 作业和讨论通常遵循一个时间表,在这个时间表中,学生有一定的时间来贡献, 但是这种安排, with the increased freedom and flexibility, requires responsibility and self-discipline. Without the structure of regular class meetings, 学生必须自我调节,仔细记录作业和讨论的日程安排.

  3. + Are you able to commit the proper amount of time each day or week to an online course(s)?

    与传统课程相比,在线课程至少需要同样多的时间和投入. Students must complete the work that would normally take place in a traditional classroom while online through discussions and projects; they then must also complete assignments similar to those provided in a traditional course setting. 完成课程作业和其他学习活动每周可能需要5到15个小时(或更多), depending on the number of credits the course is worth, and the nature of the subject matter. With some classes, a student may need to be online almost every day. 入学前, 学生应该确保他或她可以留出足够的时间来完成每日和每周的作业.

  4. + Are you comfortable using computers?

    虽然学生不需要是信息技术专业或编程专家才能参加在线课程, basic computer skills are absolutely essential, 比如文字处理, 打字, 和网页浏览能力. Students also need regular access to a computer and reliable Internet connection. 不懂电脑的人不一定不适合网络环境,因为在当地图书馆和社区大学有机会接受培训. It is often helpful to brush up on basic computer skills before enrolling in an online course.

  5. + Will you miss the traditional classroom and its social components?

    Online instruction often requires a tremendous quantity of interaction between students, but this interaction is different from the sort provided in a traditional classroom. 有些学生更喜欢听老师的节奏,看他或她在处理信息时使用的面部表情和其他非语言线索. 另外, many of the social elements of a college environment are removed, such as the early-arrival chatter and after-class rehash. Some students in distance learning environments miss having the opportunity to see and listen to their instructor and classmates; however, 许多安静的学生发现网络环境很自由,因为在一个更合群、更爱说话的听众面前说话的压力更小.

  6. + Do you have good communication skills and enjoy expressing your ideas in writing?

    在网络课程中, 几乎所有的交流都是书面的, so it is critical that the student feel comfortable with written expression of ideas. Professional writing skills are essential, 对于那些更喜欢在博客和社交网站上用非正式语气写作的人来说,这可能是一个不熟悉的标准. 这种对技术准确性的关注是必要的,因为在线媒体不提供非语言提示, 感情的图标, and body language to assist with clarity. 学生应该诚实地评估自己的正式书面沟通能力,并确保在入学前加强这些技能. 另外, 在考虑在线课程之前,学生应该意识到写作要求的数量.

  7. + Do you feel comfortable asking instructors for assistance?

    在网络环境中, any technological issues that arise should be dealt with as soon as they are noticed. 学生在遇到任何技术问题或课程内容问题时,必须能够亲自或通过电子邮件与老师联系. 在传统环境中, an instructor can tell when students are confused by raised hands, 困惑的面部表情, 以及其他非语言暗示, 但是在网络环境中, a student must be proactive or the instructor will never know there is a problem.